We can’t and won’t ever claim that Vaping is HEALTHY, however, it is most certainly a significantly safer alternative to smoking, as the vaping science shows. The testimonials of former smokers are flying in all over the country and they won’t ever quit because of its significance to their lives.
Here are what most ex-smoking vapers say:
- They couldn’t exercise for long as a smoker
- Now they can exercise just like they had never smoked
- Couldn’t quit smoking with traditional smoking cessation products
- Quit smoking in one day with vaping
You want to know who’s the most excited?
- The ex-smoker themselves
- The ex-smoker’s family
- The ex-smoker’s coworkers
- The ex-smoker’s family doctor
Their doctors are the ones who are the most excited because their patient will now almost certainly live that much longer. Their coworkers and family are excited because the ex-smoker will be healthier and they don’t STINK, and they can count on them living longer.
Here is the most exciting ex-smoker turned vaper testimonial we have seen to date, the story of Jerry Lozzo.